Local Accommondations

Wanda Reaml Jinhua is a 5-star hotel . The convenient location is just 15 minutes‘ drive from Jinhua Station and 20 minutes’ drive from Jinhua South Station, which are regular stops for high-speed train services from around China. It’s also 5 minutes‘ drive from China Wu Opera Great Theatre and the Ancient Town Scenic Area of Wuzhou. The hotel blends Jinhua culture and modern architectural aesthetics with a calm atmosphere and convenient surrounding transportation, it is the best choice for business travel.

Wanda Real Jinhua(金华富力万达嘉华酒店, 5-star)

Jinhua Marriott Hotel(金华万豪酒店,5-star)

Vienna Hotel(金华维也纳酒店 3-star)

APWeb 2024 - International Conference on The Asia Pacific Web, Jinhua, China